Election day in The Netherlands

The Dutch have two votes today. One for the regional elections (which indirectly elects the Senate) and one of the Water Board! Anyone with a Dutch residence permit can vote for the Water Board, which decides on how the tax money will be spent. Building Dykes or Redirecting Water? Can the Water Board generate energy out of water? Or should the state not generate and sell energy? This topic is more relevant than ever before and has been an important topic for the election campaigns.

In 2018 the coalition agreed on a new Climate Accord, that needs to address the Climate change issues in the Netherlands. But only just a week ago the National bureau for Economic Policy Analyses released a report crushing the measurements taken by the government for Climate Justice. Because not only do the low incomes pay the most, also are the measurements by far not enough to reach the international goals. As a response, PM Rutte announced to introduce Co2 Tax. This only happened after the biggest #climatemarch in The Netherlands in history and the efficient mobilisation by the opposition.

GroenLinks Milieudefensie Greenpeace Nederland Partij voor de Dieren

Read more about the new Co2 Tax in The Netherlands. 


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Categories: Allgemein


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