Campaign 2020

After years of capacity building and training, we are currently working on a transnational campaign to be launched at the end of 2020. To do this, we are building out our base in the different localities and engaging them in the research and issue-cutting that will lead us to a targeted, transnational campaign.

We are currently working on three interconnected issues, one of which will be the basis for our 2020 grassroots campaign: Gender and Care Work; Economic and Environmental Justice between Europe and Africa; and European democracy.

Campaign 2019

To push for progressive themes, we launched in 2019 the European May campaign and organized transeuropean creative, disruptive, non-violent actions online and offline in cities across Europe in May 2019. To this end, we have built a dense network that connects activists, social movements, unions, communities and NGOs across the European continent. On this page, you can find the 5 action days that took place in the first week of May 2019.

May 1

International Labour Day

On May 1st, European May organized actions for global justice and the fight for social and workers’ rights to the streets. We solidarized with the 45 million members of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and European and non-European workers. Together we stand united in our struggles to improve the well being of all working people and families.

May 4

Free Movement Day

On May 4th, European May activists declared free movement as a human right. Activists and citizens will do this through a series of coordinated events and actions all across Europe at symbolically important locations. We raised awareness for a culture of welcoming and the unnecessary humiliation, suffering, and death for migrants that borders create.

May 5

Reclaim Civic Space

On May 5th, European May wanted to denounce the hostile environment  civic organizations and activities have to deal with, even if they support fundamental rights.  all over Europe. Activists symbolically blocked public and cultural spaces to defend people’s power against oppressive institutions and corporations. 

May 8

Red Lines

On May 8th, international day for remembering the victory over fascist Germany, European May organised an extensive performative action and campaign whereby citizens are showing the red line they draw in opposition to new forms of right-wing politics and neo-fascism in Europe. It is invited to draw red lines physically in public space, leaving public marks, or symbolically by wearing a red cloth or scarf during the timed performative action.

May 9

Shake the Summit

On May 9th, EU leaders drawed the lines of the “Future of Europe” during a summit in Sibiu. Despite ever more urgent calls for constitutional assemblies, our leaders have failed to involve the people of Europe in this process. Treating Europe as an elite issue, however, will not solve the current crisis of integration.  European May used “Europe Day” 2019 as a chance to show that European civil society is ready by organising Alternative summits with people who otherwise won’t be heard.

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